funny how life turns out
Doll Geese Colorized trash Mask Shoesies
Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2003, 9:16 p.m.

sisyphus heads back uphill

you are looking at the new face of justice. today, in the face of lawbreaking, i raised my right hand and became...Juror Number Two. i am an impartial and fair judger of facts.

i am, of course, completely barred from talking about any of it. but i will say that the guy next to me is cute, and Juror Number Fourteen likes to deliver a complete monologue every time we go into the deliberation room. i'm attempting to read a farewell to arms on breaks, and every time Juror 14 started to talk i completely lost the train. eventually i gave up and just traded amused glances with Cute Juror (he's also my smoking buddy). it's like being forced to watch late night television all day long with even more mediocre hosts.

i've hit a snag with my sticky bun scented candle. i'm craving a cinnamon bun so much that i've almost decided to go to the store in my jammies just to get one.

and thank you to all the offers for warm blankets and chocolate chip cookies and hugs and everything. you guys rock, and it really did make me feel better knowing that lots of people think i'm pretty ok.

The WeatherPixie

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